Nomination Committee
A Nomination Team will be established in accordance with the By-Laws of Valley Congregational Church. These Guidelines are provided to assist the Nomination Team in fulfilling their duties.
1. An initial meeting will be called by a member of the Leadership Team who is serving on the Nomination Team.
At this meeting the mandate of the Nomination Team and process to be followed will be clarified.
The Leadership Team will identify Leadership roles to be filled and provide any other information that will help the Nomination Team
fulfill its task.
A Nomination Team chair will be selected and affirmed by the Team members.
2. As a second step, the Team members will be asked to prayerfully consider members of Valley who would be good candidates to fill
vacant Leadership roles and to bring those names to a Nomination Team meeting, at which time the Team will evaluate and prioritize
those candidates who will be asked to serve.
The Nomination Team may receive names from the Congregation as outlined in our By-Laws.
As a courtesy, the Nomination Team Chair will reveal the names being consider to the Elders prior to anyone being asked to serve.
3. Nomination Team members will then approach the names agreed upon and ask them to prayerfully consider being part of the
Leadership Team and to provide a response by a date determined by the Team. The Team will work through their prioritized list
until they have a full slate of names to present to the Congregation at the Annual Celebration.
4. Once the slate of names is completed, a Nomination Report will be prepared and published in accordance with the By-Laws.
As a courtesy, The Nomination Team Chair will inform the Elders of the slate of names being presented prior to the publication of the
5. The Nomination Team Chair or his/her appointed representative from the Team will present the slate of names to the membership for
affirmation at our Annual Celebration / Annual General Meeting.
1. An initial meeting will be called by a member of the Leadership Team who is serving on the Nomination Team.
At this meeting the mandate of the Nomination Team and process to be followed will be clarified.
The Leadership Team will identify Leadership roles to be filled and provide any other information that will help the Nomination Team
fulfill its task.
A Nomination Team chair will be selected and affirmed by the Team members.
2. As a second step, the Team members will be asked to prayerfully consider members of Valley who would be good candidates to fill
vacant Leadership roles and to bring those names to a Nomination Team meeting, at which time the Team will evaluate and prioritize
those candidates who will be asked to serve.
The Nomination Team may receive names from the Congregation as outlined in our By-Laws.
As a courtesy, the Nomination Team Chair will reveal the names being consider to the Elders prior to anyone being asked to serve.
3. Nomination Team members will then approach the names agreed upon and ask them to prayerfully consider being part of the
Leadership Team and to provide a response by a date determined by the Team. The Team will work through their prioritized list
until they have a full slate of names to present to the Congregation at the Annual Celebration.
4. Once the slate of names is completed, a Nomination Report will be prepared and published in accordance with the By-Laws.
As a courtesy, The Nomination Team Chair will inform the Elders of the slate of names being presented prior to the publication of the
5. The Nomination Team Chair or his/her appointed representative from the Team will present the slate of names to the membership for
affirmation at our Annual Celebration / Annual General Meeting.