Ainsley Rose Wollf
September 2, 2015
Memorial Service - September 12, 2015
Please note, the front end of the audio file was compromised and is not included in this file.
Please note, the front end of the audio file was compromised and is not included in this file.
Video: Wordless One (Shared during the memorial Service)
A Letter from Bob & Helen to their Daughter
Dearest Ainsley,
We love you. From the moment we knew you were coming, we prayed for your safe arrival, for your beautiful spirit. Mommy and daddy thought of you continually, eager for your debut.
At every step our prayers seemed answered; your healthy little body kicked and hiccupped you into our hearts. Such excitement we had as we waited to greet you. Such shattering loss we could never have fathomed. You entered this world with such peace etched on your face, in unbroken sleep. Through our unending tears we held you so close; our hearts holding on to every bittersweet moment with you.
In silence, with every heart breaking and tears falling you met more family who love you. Mommy and daddy held you so close that day. Kissed you and snuggled you. As the sun broke through the clouds and shone through the window, you were nestled between us. Together we stayed. For a moment, the pain numbed. We were a family; peacefully, quietly, contentedly, together.
So few precious moments we had with you Ainsley. Your daddy held you close, your tiny body nestled in his arms, tears in his eyes that never left your precious face, imagining what your beautiful eyes looked like. Mommy looked on with a smile covering her grief.
A lifetime of memories in a day is all we had with you Ainsley. There aren't enough tears to cry away the pain of you being gone. We imagined how you would look at daddy, yawning with your nose scrunched up before sleeping softly in his arms. We spoke of when you were safe in mommy, how you always reminded her with swift kicks that bending over to tie her shoes wasn't allowed - our independent little girl.
But so quickly we were brought back to seeing you in silent unending slumber. With overwhelming pain, Mommy picked you up and held you closer, even now, her heart forever torn in two by your absence. You are still held close in mommy's arms, cradled and protected, daddy's arms around us both and God surrounding all three of us in every moment of the day dear Ainsley. Tears fall swiftly in torrents and haven't ended since.
Your little life has touched more people in this world than even mommy and daddy could have realized. Families with renewed respect for their short time here together, mothers with patience bolstered in soothing baby's cry, hope for an eternity spent in paradise, together forever. Yours was a life, fleeting in time, profound in impact.
Mommy and daddy have faith they will see you again one day in a place that will not have pain, where we will never have to say goodbye or miss you again, where you will greet us and make the introductions; a place where our family can truly be together, never to be torn apart again.
We can never tell you, little Ainsley, just how much you are loved. There is no end, no measuring how much mommy and daddy love you sweetheart. There isn't a moment that goes by where we wouldn't give anything to have you safe in our arms, to grow up before our eyes; our beautiful, courageous daughter. Instead, you are held in our hearts, and in the hearts of your entire extended families.
You came into this world loved beyond measure, grasping Jesus' hands for eternity, rather than ours for a little while. You were a gift from heaven, on loan to us for too short a time. Rest well baby girl. We love you more than words can say.
Mommy and Daddy